Today’s Schedule


8:30 AM - 9:15 AM

All teams will arrive at MS 50, meet in their prep rooms, and confirm that all of their participants are present. MS 50 judges will meet with your students to help them prepare.

Announcements and Prep Time

9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

At 9:15am, all teams will watch a live welcome and announcements time with instructions for the day on the smartboard in their prep rooms. Then, debaters will have time to prepare for the debate in their prep rooms.

10:15AM - 11:30AM

The first round of debates will begin at 10:15am. Most rooms will have three debates occurring simultaneously. Be sure to note which table you are at in the pairings.


11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

All debaters should return to their prep rooms for lunch. Coaches should pick up pizzas for their teams in the cafeteria.

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

The second round of debates will begin at 12:30pm. Most rooms will have three debates occurring simultaneously. Be sure to note which table you are at in the pairings.

2:15 PM

After the second round of debates is finished, all debaters should return to their prep rooms. We will announce over the PA system when the awards ceremony will begin in the auditorium and will invite teams down to join us. A livestream will be available for anyone unable to attend the ceremony.