Upcoming events.
Below are some of the significant upcoming events at MS 50. Click here for a full calendar.
Open House
We are so excited to safely welcome everyone back to in-person learning this fall! We know there are many questions about what next school year will look like and there are many of you who haven’t been inside MS 50 in over a year or more.
On Wednesday, June 9th from 6-7pm we will be hosting an in-person open house for any students and families who wish to see the building again and learn more about what safety protocols we have in place. If you wish to attend the open house but are unable to attend in person that evening, please feel free to join us on Zoom at ms50.org/openhouse. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and we’d be happy to help.
Town Hall Thursday
Hello Families,
This is a friendly reminder that on Thursday, 3/11 at 12:00pm, we will have our monthly Town Hall Thursday.
Join the meeting at ms50.org/townhall or use the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 2809 6276 and Passcode: 100120
Hola familias,
Este es un recordatorio amistoso de que el jueves, 11 de marzo a las 12:00pm, tendremos nuestra reunion mensual comunitaria.
Únase a la reunión en ms50.org/townhall o use el ID de reunión de Zoom: 822 2809 6276 y la contraseña: 100120
Town Hall Thursday
Hello Families,
This is a friendly reminder that on Thursday, 2/4 at 6:00, we will have our monthly Town Hall Thursday.
Join the meeting at ms50.org/townhall or use the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 2809 6276 and Passcode: 100120
Hola familias,
Este es un recordatorio amistoso de que el jueves, 4 de febrero a las 6:00, tendremos nuestra reunion mensual comunitaria.
Únase a la reunión en ms50.org/townhall o use el ID de reunión de Zoom: 822 2809 6276 y la contraseña: 100120
Town Hall Thursday
Hello Families,
This is a friendly reminder that on Thursday, 1/7 at 6:00, we will have our monthly Town Hall Thursday.
Join the meeting at ms50.org/townhall or use the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 2809 6276 and Passcode: 100120
Hola familias,
Este es un recordatorio amistoso de que el jueves, 7 de enero a las 6:00, tendremos nuestra reunion mensual comunitaria.
Únase a la reunión en ms50.org/townhall o use el ID de reunión de Zoom: 822 2809 6276 y la contraseña: 100120
Town Hall Thursday
Hello Families,
This is a friendly reminder that on Thursday, 12/3 at 6:00, we will have our monthly Town Hall Thursday.
Join the meeting at ms50.org/townhall or use the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 2809 6276 and Passcode: 100120
Hola familias,
Este es un recordatorio amistoso de que el jueves, 3 de diciembre a las 6:00, tendremos nuestra reunion mensual comunitaria.
Únase a la reunión en ms50.org/townhall o use el ID de reunión de Zoom: 822 2809 6276 y la contraseña: 100120
Town Hall Thursday
Hello Families,
This is a friendly reminder that on Thursday, 11/5 at 6:00, we will have our monthly Town Hall Thursday. Principal Honoroff will be discussing the new DOE policy regarding opting back in to in-person learning and the newly released DOE grading policy and providing updates on remote and in-person instruction. Simultaneous Spanish translation will be provided.
Join the meeting at ms50.org/townhall or use the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 2809 6276 and Passcode: 100120
Hola familias,
Este es un recordatorio amistoso de que el jueves, 5 de noviembre a las 6:00, tendremos nuestra reunion mensual comunitaria. Hablaré sobre la nueva política del DOE con respecto a volver a optar por el aprendizaje en persona, la política de calificaciones del DOE y la MS 50 y proporcionar actualizaciones sobre la instrucción remota y en persona.
Únase a la reunión en ms50.org/townhall o use el ID de reunión de Zoom: 822 2809 6276 y la contraseña: 100120
COVID-19 Town Hall
Join us for our October town hall discussing our reopening plans and procedures, in addition to providing safety updates and answering your questions. Simultaneous Spanish translation will be provided.
Join the meeting at ms50.org/townhall or use the Zoom Meeting ID: 822 2809 6276 and Passcode: 100120
Únase a nuestro foro familiar de octubre para discutir nuestros planes y procedimientos de reapertura, además de brindar actualizaciones de seguridad y responder sus preguntas. Se proporcionará traducción simultánea al español.
Únase a la reunión en ms50.org/townhall o use el ID de reunión de Zoom: 822 2809 6276 y la contraseña: 100120
Covid-19 Town Hall
On the first Thursday of every month we will be hosting town halls discussing school re-openings and to answer any questions you may have.
The town halls will be in English at 6:00 PM and again in Spanish at 7:30 PM. Join the town hall using the Zoom meeting id: 368 684 4002 and the password: townhall or by clicking this link.
Missed the Town Hall? Recordings of the meetings are available on our YouTube page! Click the buttons below to view the meeting in English or in Spanish.
Reopening Town Hall
As we prepare for this upcoming school year, we want to help address any questions and concerns you may have about what this next school year will look like. These town halls will take place on the first Thursday of every month, starting August 6th.
The town hall will be in English at 6:00 PM and again in Spanish at 7:30 PM. Join the town hall using the Zoom meeting id: 368 684 4002 and the password: townhall
Missed the Town Hall? Recordings of the meetings are available on our YouTube page! Click the buttons below to view the meeting in English or in Spanish. You can also access the powerpoint slides in English and the slides in Spanish.